Saturday, 19 June 2021

Types of drawing & blueprints as per municipal corporation


For purpose of construction for getting building permission and many other purpose different type of drawing are prepared. We have already seen one of type viz line plan

Line plan is preliminary stage of planning. Once the line plan is fixed we can easily plan ahead for the reaming features of building. After planning various type of drawing can be prepared

1.    Plan ( Top View )

2.    Elevation ( Front View )

3.    Side elevation ( Side View )

4.    Section

5.    Working and details drawing like details of door, window, stairs, foundation plan, roof plan, area statement, construction

6.    Isometric view

7.    Oblique view

8.    Prospective view / 3d view

According to method of preparing drawing they can be classified as:-

·        Data drawing

·        Measured drawing

·        Structural drawing

·        Working drawing or Detailed drawing

·        Presentation drawing



Sr. no

Type of plan



Location plan



Site plan



Layout plan



Floor plan



Service plan ( water supply )



Terrace plan



Parking plan





·        Elevation is the view of building from the outside and from front side. Strictly speaking elevation in front view but the term is used and side of elevation left side elevation etc

·        The elevation should be astatically pleasing. The elevation must be drown to same scale as the plan. The elevation is drawn developed plan by projecting line from it

·        Dimension should not be shown on the elevation and GL should be extended sufficiently on both side of elevation

·        Student are advised to avoid the temptation of doing decorative drawing work on the elevation



          Site plan shows location of structural w.r.t. some permanents features and it gives idea about its location and details it is drown to scale of 1 : 500 to any convenient scale In include following details :-

·        Shape of building with external dimension

·        Plot size and survey number

·        Plot in vicinity

·        North direction

·        Marginal distance front, rear and side from plot boundary

·        Compound wall, main gate

·        Sanitary disposed or sewer line and water supply line

·        Road with width

·        Permanent structure temple etc

Site plan shows the plot of land on which construction of building is done or will be done. Here the plan of building is shown by hatching


Site plan


          Foundation plan shows the excavation that must be done on the site for laying down the foundation of building according to the foundation plan, line out is given on the site by making lines with white lime and according to these line and according to these lines the excavation for the foundation trenches or the foundation pits beings

          Since the two structure viz load bearing and frame structure differ in their foundation plan for the both the structure and different order      

          Diagonal measurement are given on foundation plan. There measurement are used to check the accuracy of the foundation plan

foundation plan load bearing

foundation plan frame structure

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Types of drawing & blueprints as per municipal corporation

  For purpose of construction for getting building permission and many other purpose different type of drawing are prepared. We have already...